Welcome to Day 1,094.
Today is a little heavier than yesterday for site news, so let's begin.
First up, Stomach Of Iron has been added to the Tats What's Up! calendar, while part 1 of Duck, Duck, Doll! has moved to Inflindication.
For the second day in a row, the Twitter Tuesday page has updated. For more information, please go to that page.
The span tracker within the parenthesis on the Nogchives page has updated.
And finally, several updates have happened for Land Of Infusion. To see where they are, simply view the bullet points below:
- Crazy, Stupid, Love clinched the 1,293rd fully guaranteed Two Thous-Ton spot
- In less than a day following its second re-assessment, A League Of Their Own was placed in Tier 10 and then placed on The Chopping Block a.k.a. Section Four of The Tentative Roster page, due to Ready Player One moving up to Tier 5
- Following its assessment, The November Man was placed in Tier 10, due to The Tentative Roster page still being at its maximum of 90 occupied spots
- Following its assessment, Safe Haven was placed in Tier 5, as that movie was awarded the tentative guaranteed Two Thous-Ton spot that was revoked from Heavy '95
- A wording update/correction has been applied to the Land Of Infusion page itself
- A combination wording and numbering update/correction has been applied to The Tentative Roster page
- The Marc Pease Experience, Glory Road, Paterson, Most Likely To Murder, Dedication and UHF have all moved from Tier 5 to Tier 4
- Bare, Godzilla '98, TMNT, Frost/Nixon and For A Few Dollars More have all moved from Tier 4 to Tier 6
Well, that's all for now.
Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.